Thursday, October 18, 2012

The law students clutter...

Posted by: Saint Rubelo

Its quite a funny thought to ponder about my expectations before i entered law school. During those times I had a high regard for law students (those know it all bastards) standing proudly in their polo barongs prowling the streets of dapitan while puffing their daily intake of nicotine and tar. I was a freshmen AB student that time and for me it was a classic sight just like a child seeing for the first time the heroes that he admired, and promised to himself one day I'll be wearing the same off-white polo barong armed with that law school smile and pride.

Keep Calm and Enjoy Law School ...

Top (From left to right): Sabrina Hernandez [The Humblest of Them All], Kimberley Gustilo [Delicious Ambiguity], Monica Ramirez [Go Negosyante], Fatima Santos [A Lawyer's Daughter]
Bottom (From left to right): Ana Juanito [Madam Accountant], Jocelle Dela Cruz [The Legally Blunt], Sandra Bruan [Soon-to-be-CPA], Hennie Magalona [The CPA/Law Student's Girlfriend]

Things Not to Say to a Law Student

Law students are not a particularly sensitive bunch. Sure, we have existential crises at the start of each semester, but beyond that we are pretty tough. However, there are some things which law students, lecturers, and everyday people say that just cannot continue to be said...


Before I started my degree, I had no idea how many of my close friends and associates were aspiring career criminals! I mean, they don't even want to know what kind of law I study or even if I'm any good at it. Apparently, they are so desperate to break the law that they will rely upon the advice of the first lawyer they meet who might give them mates-rates!
Am I still a person of good fame and character if I am surrounded by the future faces of crime? On a serious note: Stop saying this! This is so annoying!

Exactly how I felt when I went to Law School ...

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