Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Law School Scenario 003

When my professor keeps lecturing after class is supposed to end.

I was like:

Swear ! We have a Prof like that :))

Law School Scenario 002

When it's time for me to pay my tuition fee in Law School ...

Law School Scenario 001

When I don’t know the answer to my professor’s question 
and look at my seatmates for help.

What to Expect on Your First Semester in Law School

I do not recommend law school for many people, but if you have made the decision to go, and are sticking to it, here are a few things to expect.

The first day of law school, like the first day of any long journey, is exciting and scary. Orientation will probably be the beginning step, where the professors and dean will give speeches about how special you are for being there. If you have gotten into law school, you are special. Specially sado-masochistic. But anyway...

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